
Changing Autumn Colours

One of my pleasures in life is my morning walks with Barkley, our dog, to the park. Our favourite park is Petticoat Creek Park in Toronto, near our house. Petticoat Creek Park is a Conservation Park that is part of the larger Rouge Valley Park which consists of around 50 square km, around 12,500 acres of parkland. The whole Rouge Valley starts here at Petticoat Creek Park and goes all the way North which is still part of the Greater Toronto Area. The Rouge Valley is the largest parkland within the core of a metropolitan city here in North America.

 We are lucky here in Toronto that we are near the "Great Lakes" in North America. One of the the Great Lakes is Lake Ontario which encompasses this park.  The Rouge Valley supports the wildlife, the fauna, foliage and agricultural farms here in Toronto. It is designated by Law as a Conservation land by our Federal Government. Only development allowed are for the recreational use of the population, preservation of  the natural habitat and beauty of the wildlife and foliage in the area and some agricultural activities. I have received some requests from my readers to feature Barkley in my blog. Here we are to share with you the beautiful changing colours of Autumn as we walked together on a beautiful morning here at Petticoat Creek Park. 
Meet Barkley. He is a Pug. Here he is getting quite stressed because of me. I was asking him to look into my camera to pose. But he is giving me his look which told me "What is she doing to me now? Please take my picture quickly so I can go for my walk and explore the park."   Barkley could be very impatient but he is a sweet dog. Very friendly to humans but quite aloof to his fellow dogs. He doesn't think he is a dog. He is very kind, patient and gentle to children and loves to take his daily walk outdoors. 
Here are the beautiful changing colours of the trees. The stream that flows through from the North  and connected to all the way here at Lake Ontario. 
Beautiful colours of Autumn.

A sandy beach at Lake Ontario.
During the summer this is a perfect place to stroll and watch the sail boats pass by.

The stream that is connected onto Lake Ontario. 

On the other far end of Lake Ontario is Rochester, New York, USA. 
 When people see me and Barkley walking together, they tell me that Barkley is actually walking me, instead of me walking him. Can you believe that? That is so funny.  Barkley taught me to slow down and as the saying goes, to "smell the roses" by appreciating nature more. He loves to look at the plants and flowers.
Barkley: "Pamela is right.  I take my time to walk. I stop to admire these beautiful plants and flowers. She always tell me "let's go" and to walk faster but I walk along in my own pace. I look at her to tell her to enjoy and admire these magnificent surroundings.

Barkley: "Here we are admiring the different colours of these plants and the view of Lake Ontario. Now, Pamela is finally taking the right pictures." 

This is the picnic area in the park. The whole park goes all the way through this trail to the other far end. 
Barkley: "Yes, I love to walk but not that far. So we will stop here. I would just like to share that I am always excited to walk with Pamela. I always wait for her to come home from her work so that she can take me out and we could both enjoy the outdoors together. But Autumn is my favourite because it is not too hot. Then when Winter arrives, I get excited because I can play outside in the snow."
Here is a view of the Bridge on our walk back. 

Here are some beautiful houses with manicured lawns outside the park.
More colourful falling leaves and beautiful houses. 
A lone Canadian maple leaf and more colourful trees.

Pamela & Barkley: See you all later, we are walking home now.
Pamela:  So Barkley can take his nap! 
Barkley: "What nap? No!!!" 

This is our Autumn here in Toronto as experienced by Barkley and I.

Happy Fall weekend everyone! 

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Pamela RG

Pamela lives in Toronto, Canada, currently working in Banking in the field of Credit and Finance. The Chic Delights blog has evolved into an on-line magazine about my experiences and inspirations on style, travel, people, lifestyle and current events. My features are not sponsored posts. The photographs and stories featured here are all from my own resources and experiences.


  1. Hi Pamela! aww your dog is utterly adorable!! What a beautiful place, I miss Toronto in autumn, I know the beautiful colors of leaves, I was wondered first time I saw them!! stunning! happy weekend dear! xo

  2. Bonjour Pamela. How sweet is Monsieur Barkley? Love Pugs and their squishy faces (my dream dog is a French Bulldog...) Like you, I take daily walks with my dog. Even though nature surrounds us here, in the Pacific Northwest, nothing I see near my house is quite as pretty as what you are showing us on these photos. I guess our "furry friends," have taught us both to slow down and "smell the roses..." Bon weekend. Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

    1. Isn't that something? We learn frm four dogs. Your dog must be adorable too. The Pacific Northwest is beautiful too with lots of nature trails. Bon weekend Veronique!

  3. A very pretty post Pamela. Your Barkley seems a happy little fellow and has an excellent command of english:)

    1. He is a happy dog. He doesn't know yet that I featured him in my blog. :)

  4. wow beautiful park..I've never been to this one before! Sometimes I wish I lived near one so I can walk there everyday too
    lol my dog is the complete opposite - he's always over-excited and tries to run around exploring as fast as he could

    1. I have seen pictures of your dog Tiffany. He is so cute! Yes, this park is indeed beautiful. We enjoy coming here.

  5. Ah pamela, que fotos tan maravillosas! Qué privilegiada eres de poder disfrutar a diario de un paisaje tan hermoso, realmente quita el aliento...algo que parece ocurrirle a Barkley también! jeje!
    Un gran abrazo!

  6. Lovely photos, thanks for sharing them and introducing us to Barkley. :)

  7. is mr barkley your dog??? so cute..and Beautiful photos!!! amazing:)

    1. Hi Tammy, yes Barkley is my dog. The one and only! :)

  8. Barkley is so cute! You are lucky to be able to enjoy the wonderful view every morning ;) It's gorgeous! Have a fabulous week!
    LA By Diana Live Magazine

  9. beautiful pictures and such a cute doggy ;)


  10. This post is beyond AMAZING:) great pics.

    I thank you for so sweet words on my blog again

    have a great day dear

    LOVE Maria at inredningsvis

  11. Autumn is beatiful season! The photo with the bench is my fav one!

    Sun and Sany

  12. Pam,
    Just getting caught up on your blog! Love this post. Your area is so beautiful and really love your Fall colors!
    Barkley is sweet.

  13. Awww he is sooo cute! :D Have you ever travelled with him? Do you know how they on the plane... ? :S



I enjoy reading your wonderful comments. Thank you for visiting here.

Pamela lives in Toronto, Canada, currently working in Banking in the field of Credit and Finance. The Chic Delights blog has evolved into an on-line magazine about my experiences and inspirations on style, travel, people, lifestyle and current events. My features are not sponsored posts. The photographs and stories featured here are all from my own resources and experiences. [Pamela RG] (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiTO2MJh-PjA_u-b4u9NDFR7P6VOvtRMGCAmYgOtjrVP5bvKfCkjaQkhlb3pMFEOw_WqIMI-Fvroc54ZmXfGJRrk9zO6yRB78nhB17P7EQ6uCi3SIITWXiLvvb5UCTMgOk-2kqc2c3N9bw/w200-h200-no/DSCN0550.jpg)