
Cultural Night At Silom Village

 What a night we experienced at the Silom Village Trade Center, one of the popular cultural restaurants in Bangkok, Thailand. We had a night of shopping, ate authentic Thai food and was treated to a traditional Thai dance, music and costumes. The traditional Thai costumes were so colourful and made from luxurious Thai silk. The dancers danced so gracefully showcasing their traditional dances and music. Thai food was equally delicious and colourful with cooked vegetables, seafood, chicken combined with coconut milk and spices. It was a spectacular night of Thai culture and delicious food right in the heart of Bangkok. 

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  1. This looks amazing, would have loved to see this and eat too :)) x

  2. I am wondering why I didn't go these when I was in Bangkok!

  3. I would like to visit Bangkok again and again...
    Lovely pics!
    Kisses, Paola.


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Pamela lives in Toronto, Canada, currently working in Banking in the field of Credit and Finance. The Chic Delights blog has evolved into an on-line magazine about my experiences and inspirations on style, travel, people, lifestyle and current events. My features are not sponsored posts. The photographs and stories featured here are all from my own resources and experiences. [Pamela RG] (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiTO2MJh-PjA_u-b4u9NDFR7P6VOvtRMGCAmYgOtjrVP5bvKfCkjaQkhlb3pMFEOw_WqIMI-Fvroc54ZmXfGJRrk9zO6yRB78nhB17P7EQ6uCi3SIITWXiLvvb5UCTMgOk-2kqc2c3N9bw/w200-h200-no/DSCN0550.jpg)