
Gucci For Home

 It's finally the New Year 2019, new beginnings, new trends both in fashion and for the home. One of the luxury brands that is expanding to luxury home decor and furniture is the brand new Gucci Decor collection ranging from luxury candles, throw pillows to furniture like tables and chairs. The whole collection is now in Canada at the Holt Renfrew stores. All decorated with Gucci floral wallpaper and mannequins dressed head to toe in nothing else but Gucci. I would love to have the throw pillows, the side tables and the chairs with the embroidery message "Loved" with the design of the bee. I am just thankful and feeling blessed that after many years of sharing on this blog that I can share chic, delightful and luxurious fashion, travel and lifestyle stories with you all. Here's wishing you all love, peace, joy, prosperity and excellent health in the New Year! 

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  1. Such a great idea... I love Gucci!
    Kisses, Paola.


  2. I'd have it all, I love Gucci :)) Amazing. Happy New Year lovely x

  3. Same to you Pamela, hope the 2019 started off right with glam and chic vibes. The collection is just fab! xo


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Pamela lives in Toronto, Canada, currently working in Banking in the field of Credit and Finance. The Chic Delights blog has evolved into an on-line magazine about my experiences and inspirations on style, travel, people, lifestyle and current events. My features are not sponsored posts. The photographs and stories featured here are all from my own resources and experiences. [Pamela RG] (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiTO2MJh-PjA_u-b4u9NDFR7P6VOvtRMGCAmYgOtjrVP5bvKfCkjaQkhlb3pMFEOw_WqIMI-Fvroc54ZmXfGJRrk9zO6yRB78nhB17P7EQ6uCi3SIITWXiLvvb5UCTMgOk-2kqc2c3N9bw/w200-h200-no/DSCN0550.jpg)