
Meet Blue: Out Of The Depths

 Meet Blue, one of the nine blue whales found dead in the shores of the Gulf of St Lawrence in Newfoundland, Atlantic Canada in 2014. After several years, the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto decided to keep Blue's remains for further study and to share her story to the rest of the country. The Blue whales are the largest mammal that have inhabited the Earth at 29.9 metres (98ft) and they mostly inhibit the area near Newfoundland near the Atlantic Ocean. They are bigger than the dinosaurs. They have also outlived the dinosaurs in this planet. A blue whale normally has a life span of 70 to 90 years old.  It exclusively feeds on the small fish, krill. One of the things that I learnt from this exhibit is that every natural thing is inter-connected. Who would have thought that the poo of the blue whale overrides our human release of carbon dioxide and is important for climate change? It does.  Their poo is what the krill fish eats which in turn the blue whales eat the krill fish. That's why on this Earth Day, we remember to respect and take care of our Earth. We have to recognise that climate change is for real and is an issue that will affect us if we do not take care of our planet. We have to do our part to save our planet as we are all inter-connected. 
The skull of Blue, a female blue whale is so huge. The rest of her body extends behind.
The huge bones and fins of Blue. 
Gulf of St Lawrence in Newfoundland, Atlantic Canada was the location where Blue was found. 
Blue Whales are so huge that their body is supported by water. 
J Crew philantrophic fashion for the Blue Whales.
Exhibit runs at the Royal Ontario Museum till 4 September 2017. 
Read here The Blue Whale Tale the full account of the discovery of the dead blue whales from the Toronto Star. 

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Pamela RG

Pamela lives in Toronto, Canada, currently working in Banking in the field of Credit and Finance. The Chic Delights blog has evolved into an on-line magazine about my experiences and inspirations on style, travel, people, lifestyle and current events. My features are not sponsored posts. The photographs and stories featured here are all from my own resources and experiences.


  1. So impressive, wish I saw the exhibit now. The looks are great too. Happy weekend Pamela! xo

  2. Wow thats so interesting! I heard about this exhibition but no where near close to visiting! Thanks for sharing!


  3. I remember when this was in the news. It was so sad. So much more needs to be done regarding "greening" the earth.

  4. I remember something about this whale, i wish I could visiti the exhibition!

  5. Such a great exhibit, looks so amazing!
    Kisses, Paola.


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Pamela lives in Toronto, Canada, currently working in Banking in the field of Credit and Finance. The Chic Delights blog has evolved into an on-line magazine about my experiences and inspirations on style, travel, people, lifestyle and current events. My features are not sponsored posts. The photographs and stories featured here are all from my own resources and experiences. [Pamela RG] (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiTO2MJh-PjA_u-b4u9NDFR7P6VOvtRMGCAmYgOtjrVP5bvKfCkjaQkhlb3pMFEOw_WqIMI-Fvroc54ZmXfGJRrk9zO6yRB78nhB17P7EQ6uCi3SIITWXiLvvb5UCTMgOk-2kqc2c3N9bw/w200-h200-no/DSCN0550.jpg)