
London: Fun with Kids!


My friend Grace and her family will be travelling to London this month. Grace asked me what to do in London with her daughter?  Here are some of my suggestions to her.

London Zoo.
(Photo credit: London Zoo)

Visiting the London Zoo at Regent's Park will definitely be fun, entertaining and educational for both children and adults. The whole park is a huge complex with tons of fun activities and discovery. View different kinds of animals from the mammals, the birds and even a Penguin Beach.

Photo credit: London Zoo.

Photo credit: London Zoo.

2. Sealife London Aquarium

The London Aquarium is located near the London Eye along the Thames River. I suggest to ride the River Cruise then get off at the London Eye to ride it first. Then afterwards, walk over to the London Aquarium to have a fun and relaxing time viewing the marine animals with the children.

The London Eye and the Thames River.

Clown Fish is one of the water species to visit in the London Aquarium.
(Photo credit: London Aquarium)

3. Museums

Natural History Museum.
(My photo)
As the saying goes, "start them young. " It will be fun and educational to bring the children to museums especially the Natural History Museum in London to view the dinosours, mammals, marine animals, insects and many other exhibits about nature and our environment. When I was in London last week, there was a long line up everyday in front of the Museum. The reason for the long line up is the Special Exhibit titled Animal Inside Out which shows the animals bodies. This museum must not be missed.

Large Mammals Room.
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Special Exhibit of Animal Inside Out  is the main reason for the long line up in the Museum. If you saw the Body Worlds exhibit which displayed the human body, this is the exhibit to see for the animals. I suggest to arrive early to avoid the long line-up.

Photo credits: Natural History Museum.

British Museum

The British Museum is one of my favourite museums. In this museum, visitiors will discover the Ancient treasures from the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Assyrians, Syrians to the Americas. The Rosetta Stone and the Greek Temple treasures are in the British Museum. They also have Egyptian mummies which can be viewed up close. I remember seeing my first Egyptian mummy where they still have their teeth and nails intact. Both children and adults will have fun discovering and exploring this museum with its many variety of treasures on display.

Madame Tussauds

Madame Tussauds is world renowned for the wax models of  Heads of State, Royalty, Government Officials, Hollywood Actors and Actresses, Musicians, Explorers, Scientists and many other celebrities in World History. This museum will be fun to discover and explore with kids as they can come closer to these amazing wax creations. Click here Madame Tussauds for discounts to the Museum and other London Attractions. (Photo credits: Bonjour Magazine UK)

4. Tower of London

The Tower of London was built as a Fortress and Palace by William I around 1066. During the reign of Henry VIII, the Tower of London became famous as his Royal Prison. Presently, the Crown Jewels are stored in one of the Towers and can be viewed by the public.  The Tower of London is a  huge complex of palaces and Towers, similar to a medieval village. It will be fun to explore and discover with children the Towers, the prisons, the torture chambers and view the Crown Jewels. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Beefeater is the Queen's Bodyguards and the warden of the Tower of  London. Meet them and join one of their historical and fun tours of the Tower of London. (Photo credit: Daily Mail UK)

My photograph of the Tower Bridge which is right beside the Tower of London.

5. Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace.

It is always fun to watch a parade complete with a Military band, marching soldiers in their beautiful formal uniform and horses parade which can be viewed in front of Buckingham Palace daily at Noon.

Wherever you go and whatever you do with your children, remember to always create happy memories with them as they will remember these when they grow up.

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Pamela RG

Pamela lives in Toronto, Canada, currently working in Banking in the field of Credit and Finance. The Chic Delights blog has evolved into an on-line magazine about my experiences and inspirations on style, travel, people, lifestyle and current events. My features are not sponsored posts. The photographs and stories featured here are all from my own resources and experiences.


  1. That's awesome, with so many fantastic recommendations! Thanks for the blogg <3

  2. Pamela,
    Great spots. I would love to take my boys to the aquarium and the zoo next time we are in London. We did the Natural History Museum and The Tower. I think they loved both of those a lot. The Tower, especially for boys. was fun.

    Love all the great pictures and all things not to miss!


    1. Hi Kim, I agree that the London Zoo and the London Aquarium. Must be on the Next Time list. Thank you.

  3. Thank you for sweet words on my blog:) Its a shame you dont have twitter or FB..I would like to follow. I hope you come back soon and have a great weekend.

    LOVE Maria at inredningsvis


I enjoy reading your wonderful comments. Thank you for visiting here.

Pamela lives in Toronto, Canada, currently working in Banking in the field of Credit and Finance. The Chic Delights blog has evolved into an on-line magazine about my experiences and inspirations on style, travel, people, lifestyle and current events. My features are not sponsored posts. The photographs and stories featured here are all from my own resources and experiences. [Pamela RG] (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiTO2MJh-PjA_u-b4u9NDFR7P6VOvtRMGCAmYgOtjrVP5bvKfCkjaQkhlb3pMFEOw_WqIMI-Fvroc54ZmXfGJRrk9zO6yRB78nhB17P7EQ6uCi3SIITWXiLvvb5UCTMgOk-2kqc2c3N9bw/w200-h200-no/DSCN0550.jpg)