
Christmas In the Neighbourhood


 I love the Christmas season in my neighbourhood, east of Toronto. Every Christmas season there are many families who decorate their houses to the max. Lighting their houses with the symbols of Christmas from the manger when Jesus was born together with Mother Mary, St Joseph, angels, all the way to Santa Claus and the Toy Soldiers. All decorations in colourful lights which brings joy and  delight to both adults and children. Christmas is a time to see the beauty, peace and love all around us. I am wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and may this season be bright and happy to everyone.
We wish you a Merry Christmas!

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.


  1. Wow, so so amazing, wish I was there! Merry Christmas dear Pamela, may it be filled with joy and love! xo


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Pamela lives in Toronto, Canada, currently working in Banking in the field of Credit and Finance. The Chic Delights blog has evolved into an on-line magazine about my experiences and inspirations on style, travel, people, lifestyle and current events. My features are not sponsored posts. The photographs and stories featured here are all from my own resources and experiences. [Pamela RG] (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiTO2MJh-PjA_u-b4u9NDFR7P6VOvtRMGCAmYgOtjrVP5bvKfCkjaQkhlb3pMFEOw_WqIMI-Fvroc54ZmXfGJRrk9zO6yRB78nhB17P7EQ6uCi3SIITWXiLvvb5UCTMgOk-2kqc2c3N9bw/w200-h200-no/DSCN0550.jpg)