Have you written up your Christmas wish list? Holt Renfrew in Toronto has expanded their Chanel Boutique on the 2nd Floor with the bags, shoes, clothes and accessories more accessible and visible to shoppers. As you can see on the photos above, we can almost touch these most coveted classic flap and Boy bags in pastel colours of pink, fuchsia and yellow. There are even hard to find blue Chanel bags on display. It was such a delight to see. It made me wish that all I want for Christmas is Chanel. Who would resist? No way. I'll receive Chanel any time.
two for one
Never mind that I hadn't seen 99% of the movies nominated for a Golden
Globes, I still enjoyed the show on Sunday night, particularly comedian
Nikki G...
Nope, definitely! The bags are dreamy and I love the makeup collection too. xo
ReplyDeleteHow lovely! Yes, Chanel! :)
ReplyDeleteWow, I would like to visit Chanel Boutique in Toronto!
ReplyDeleteKisses, Paola.
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Indeed Chanel makes some of the best make up products and cutest bags!
I always lust after their purses. So pretty :D